2025 North Dakota Envirothon State Competition
Current Issue: Roots and Resiliency: Fostering Forest Stewardship in a Canopy of Change
May 7-9, 2025
The North Dakota State Envirothon Competition is held in early May at the picturesque Crystal Springs Camp near Medina. The camp is in a rural setting so students can demonstrate their skills and knowledge in a real-life environment. The camp comes alive as over 100 students from around the state arrive along with their teacher/coaches and a small army of natural resource professionals who volunteer to act as facilitators, team trail guides and judges.
On the first day of the competition, teams of 5 students rotate through trails where they are tested on their knowledge of soils, wildlife, aquatics and prairie. Their advisor is not allowed on the trails with them and scores are tallied for the day.
On the second day the current issue challenge question is revealed and teams are individually sequestered to prepare an oral presentation detailing a solution to the question. Oral presentations are then given to a panel of three judges, and scores are added to the trail test scores to determine the top three teams.
The top three teams then again give their presentation to the entire assembly of students and three experts in the current issue topic. Final total combined scores determine the winning North Dakota Envirothon team who will advance to the North American Envirothon Competition.
The NCF National Competition will be held in Alberta, Canada, in July 2025. We send our 1st place team only to the national competition.
2024 North Dakota Envirothon Competition
1st Place: Bismarck High School
2nd Place: Minot High School
3rd Place: West Fargo
Past Winners
2023: Bismarck High School
2022: Bismarck High School
2021: Bismarck High School
2020: No competition
2019: Bismarck High School
2018: Bismarck High School
2017: Bismarck High School
2016: Midkota High School
2015: Minot High School
2014: Bismarck High School
2013: Bishop Ryan High School (Minot)
2012: Minot High School
2011: Sargent Central High School
2010: Sargent Central High School
2009: Sargent Central High School
2008: Sargent Central High School
2007: Bismarck High School
2006: West Fargo High School
2005: Kenmare High School
2004: Kenmare High School
2003: Sargent Central High School (Forman)
2002: West Fargo High School
2001: West Fargo High School
2000: Barnes County 4-H (Valley City)